Sunday, January 15, 2012

Define Normal

Christmas is over.

2012 is here.

We're into mid-January already ... a time when college students return for the spring semester. As many other BU parents do, we loaded up the car and headed into Boston to drop her off.

Jim: How did it go?
Me: Fine. She's all set. Time to get back to normal.

Wait! What? Did I really say that? Since when did my empty nest fall into the "normal" category? Oh my!

Flashback to mid-December where she came home for Christmas break. Within hours her backpack, shoes (multiple pairs), headphones, laptop, etc. were strewn across the family room, kitchen, stairs and into her bedroom. It's insanity!

And barely a month later, it's all packed up and loaded in the car. No more signs of my youngest strewn about the house. Am excited for her as she heads back to begin her spring semester as a junior (how did that happen so fast?). Very excited about the upcoming softball season and all that is ahead there.

And yet, I find myself a bit melancholy to know that it will be late May or even June before I get the chance to trip over her shoes, refold the blanket she used or hear her phone go off during dinner. In the big scheme of life, it's not that long and I'll certainly see her as her biggest fan in the stands at softball games. But home is not the same without the energy she brings. Each of my girls adds a different element to the life in our home. It's just not really home without them both here.

I've come to accept the new norm. We are definitely back to normal. The grocery bill decreases again. Laundry is done in 1.5 loads vs. four. No more "Friends" episodes.

Am surprised at myslef that I'm able to find the joy in this new norm. I certainly miss what was. It was glorious. But, normal is becoming comfortable. And it's ok.

"I believe the key to happiness is: someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to."  
Elvis Presley

All of that is true even with an empty nest. Life is good. :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Love

Last year, my New Year's resolution was to start a blog about my journey as an empty-nest mom. I was definitely an emotional ride, but I do believe I've come through it a better person and mom. I love my adult daughters ... no surprise there ... but I also love being the mom of adult daughters ... finally. I think this blog was the first resolution I've ever kept the whole year. Yay me!

And now it's 2012.

Riding on the success of 2011's resolution, I'm gonna give this another shot. 2012 is going to be about me and food. I have a love-hate relationship with food and it's time to face it head on.

Over the years, the busy life of raising children and all that goes with it changed my love of cooking to a chore. Something to do to make sure the girls were nourished ... or more like ... something to not do as there just wasn't time as we ran from one event to the next.

But we don't have to do that anymore. And I've slowly begun to look at the spices in my cabinet with a renewed interest. And then came Wegmasn. I LOVE WEGMANS. Oh ... silly me. I'm not on a mountain top so no need to shout, but if I were, I'd have to scream that out. :D

Wegmans has a full aisle of gluten-free foods. On their grand opening day, Jim and I were there and I cannot lie ... I cried when I found that aisle. Food, real food ... that won't make me sick. Real food where I can actually trust the ingredients list or the label. It's definitely tear-worthy.

This is just one shot of what seems like hundreds of different cheeses. Who knew there were so many? It makes me want to try a different one each week. :D

And look at this picture from one of the many produce aisles at Wegmans. So colorful! Can veggies be beautiful? I think so! It's so exciting to see all the options.

For medical reasons, I find myself needing to really modify what I eat. Have been doing it for a while now with the gluten-free stuff so watching carbs is just more labels to read.

It's with a healthier 2012 in mind and the amazing selection at Wegmans that I find myself wanting to cook for fun again. So, the menu the other day was steak, butternut squash (first time ever) and roasted brussel sprouts.

We've never tried butternut squash before, but let me tell you that cooking them with butter and a little maple syrup is phenom! And the brussel sprounts ... cooked in a skillet with olive oil and garlic. Absolutely delicious!

If you haven't explored Wegmans yet, I encourage you to do so. As I discover new recipes and foods, I hope to share them with you. You traveled with me as I learned to face an empty nest. I hope you'll stay with me as my nest continues to rearrange itself where food is concerned.