Saturday, May 28, 2011

I think I get it

e·piph·a·ny –noun, plural -nies.
a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

I think I had one. And I think it's about time in that Jayme just finished her sophomore year at BU. :x

     Scenario: Jayme wanted to come home for the weekend.

     Before: Get in the car and go get her.

          :::insert commonplace experience:::

     Jayme: Mom, don't come get me. I can take the train home.

And there ya go. My daughter looked into the whole process, paid for it and did it. And I didn't have to do a thing  ... except wait.

It was this waiting that made me realize that this is really where we are now. Instead of being proactive or reactionary in my girls' lives, I'm here as always, but it's an on-call type of thing.

I've taught and led by example and shared so much over the years and they have been phenominal students of those teachings.

I asked my mom how she learned to get through the long absences of her children in her life. In a wonderful moment of clarity she said, "You never get used to it. You just learn to live with it."

Such wisdom is irreplaceable. It only comes from years of loving and mothering.

My girls call and they call often. I'm so lucky in that regard. There is no doubt that I have value in their lives. I am so thankful for that and for the love we share.

I miss them. I miss what was. But, I am so very excited to see what lies ahead. I know that they will have wonderful lives because their foundation is strong.

What a milestone for me. It took me two years to finally figure out what being a mom to adult daughters is about. I'm still learning, but I think I'm finally on the right track.

I'll leave you with this one comment from Jayme. As she's waiting for the train to Grafton from somewhere in Boston, she calls and exclaims, "Mom, did you know you can take the train to Washington, D.C.? Or New York? I could go anywhere."

Yes Sweet Girl, I know you can. :)